Times of sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset today

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Location London, United Kingdom
Date and time April 16, 2024 at 11:24 AM

Sunrise 06:01 UTC(+01:00)
took place 5 h 23 min. ago
Sunset 19:59 UTC(+01:00)
takes place in 8 h 35 min.
Day Length Today 13 h 58 min.
Moonrise 11:36 UTC(+01:00)
takes place in 12 min.
Moonset 03:59 UTC(+01:00)
took place 7 h 25 min. ago
Moon Phase Today Waxing crescent

Details about the sun and moon for any day and any place, with tables and graphics:

Times of sunrise and sunset

Moon phase and times of moonrise and moonset